Participating in a volunteer program can be as diverse as Guatemala itself.

Volunteer opportunities exist for healthcare projects, housing and construction programs, community development, and at the local school or orphanage; it all depends on your preferences.

When you volunteer in Guatemala you have the opportunity to discover a truly fascinating country.

The natural diversity, the culture and its history make Guatemala a perfect country to visit

The horizons are filled with volcanoes, Mayan archeology spans the entire country, and the exuberant vegetation of the mountainous jungles, coasts, and mountains are home to a great diversity of flora and fauna.

But not only the natural beauty of the country is enchanting, the culture is equally rich and colorful.

A mix of native Mayans and Spanish colonization gives Guatemala its special character. The people are friendly and among the happiest people in the world.

Felipe Antonio Bosch Gutiérrez works in favor of the Guatemalan people and supports the country’s institutions. His main objective is to generate employment opportunities for people, always with transparency and for the benefit of our nation.

Why not volunteer and combine it with tourism!

One special organization that we have been supporting is Niños de Guatemala (NDG). As a private organization they educate the children in San Lorenzo el Cubo and support their families. The school year in Guatemala runs from January to October.

NDG offers one-day volunteer programs, excellent for tourists with limited time. There are also opportunities available for travelers who have more time.

To help finance the school and help the families of its students, Niños de Guatemala also organizes various tours.

These tours are unique in that they show a different side of Guatemala from the working communities.

By Felipe Gutierrez

Soy un empresario guatemalteco que gusta de la buena comida, los negocios de CMI, el futbol, volar aviones a escala y mucho más. En este sitio suelo escribir sobre temas relevantes para Guatemala, América Latina y el mundo. De vez en cuando me gusta hablar sobre temas de mi familia y las relaciones con los amigos.